The meaning of the animals in the packets
Seed Co Limited devised the Animal Concept as a simple way to effectively communicate with the market. This came about after we realised that not all our customers could easily remember the product codes that we used. All the other seed companies also used codes and these tended to be confusing to the general populace. As a result, we came up with the animal concept which represents the maturity group of our products rather than the individual product variety.
The animal concept is explained as follows:
The monkey represents the early maturing varieties. These are the '4' Series varieties and includes SC 403, and SC 411. These mature very early, are adaptable, drought tolerant and will do well in marginal areas of low potential. They perform well in areas where sorghum is grown. The monkey is a very agile and clever animal which adapts well to its environment. Dynamite comes in small packages.
This is a beast of burden. It is hardy and does well in most parts of Africa. It performs well in areas of both low and high potential, has high yields and has good disease tolerance. It is a stable variety. This is the '5' Series and includes SC 513 and SC 506 (Yellow).
This is a vicious and aggressive animal and represents varieties in the '6' Series. These are medium to late maturing varieties. They do well in medium to high potential areas. They have good disease tolerance and are highly adaptable in their respective areas. These varieties include SC 602 and SC 608 (Yellow).
Elephant: This is the giant of all varieties. It takes long to mature and usually does well in high rainfall areas. Like an elephant, these varieties are tolerant to lodging. They have bulk yields and show good standing. These include SC 701; SC 719 and SC 727.
This is the giant of all varieties. It takes long to mature and usually does well in high rainfall areas. Like an elephant, these varieties are tolerant to lodging. They have bulk yields and show good standing. These include SC 701; SC 719 and SC 727.