TENDER NOTICE - Provision of Pest Control Services for Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board

Tender Reference No. BAMB/005/2021
Provision of Pest Control Services for Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board
Tenderers domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be considered for the award of the contract, be registered with the Public
Procurement and Asset Disposal Board in the following categories: Code: 145 Sub code:03

The tender documents are purchased at a non-refundable fee of BWP500 (Five Hundred Pula only) and BWP250 (Two hundred and Fifty Pula) for youth owned companies made in favour of BAMB and payable through Bank deposit or Electronic Transfer (EFT), the banking details are provided below;

Account Name: BAMB
Account Number: 8001151417
Bank: Bank Gaborone
Branch: Central Busines District
Brach Code: 202467

Once the EFT or deposit has been made, the proof of payment or stamped deposit slip should be attached and a request for the tender document submitted to procurement@bamb.co.bw for issue of single copy of the ITT via email. The company name and tender number must be referenced for identity.

Queries or clarifications relating to the tender may be addressed in writing not later than seven (7) days before the tender closing date to procurement@bamb.co.bw

Closing Date:
All Tenders shall be submitted in the prescribed format not later than 1000hrs on the 29rd November 2021 and shall be delivered by hand to the following address;

Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board
Plot 14395
New Lobatse Road
G/West industrial.

Tenders submitted to a different address or after the specified date and time will not be accepted.

Price Files

Click here to view current BAMB Producer and Contract prices. 

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CLICK HERE for Expression of Interest - Invitation for Supplier Registration.
CLICK HERE for Expression of Interest for Invitation to Transporter Registration.
CLICK HERE to download AUGUST 2021 Producer prices.